
Boys Don't Cry


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by  P!ATD

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Boys Don't Cry

	  		A Bm C#m D9  D C#m Bm A 
Introdução: (A Bm C#m D9 :- D9 C#m Bm A) x3               {Base} 
B|-2-2-2-3-5--2-2-2-3-5-555/E 2-4-5-5-3-2/B-2 ----|  {Solo} 

A               Bm         C#m                    Bm 
I would say I'm sorry if I thought that it would change your mind 
A               Bm         C#m                    Bm 
But I know that this time I have said too much, been to unkind 
C#m             Bm         C#m       D9   C#m       Bm 
I try to laugh about it, cover it all up with lies 
C#m               Bm         C#m      D9    C#m       Bm 
    I try to laugh about it, hiding the tears in my eyes 

B|-2-2-2-3-5--2-2-2-3-5-555/E 2-4-5-5-3-2/B-2 ----|  {Solo} 

     (A Bm C#m D9 :- D9 C#m Bm A) x2               {Base} 
Cos' boys don't cry 
     Boys don't cry 

A               Bm         C#m                    Bm  
I would break down at your feet and beg forgiveness, plead with you 
A               Bm         C#m                    Bm  
But I know that it's too late and now there's nothing left that I can do 
C#m             Bm         C#m       D9   C#m       Bm 
So I try to laugh about it, cover it all up with lies 
C#m               Bm         C#m      D9   C#m     Bm 
I try to laugh about it, hiding the tears in my eyes 


A               Bm         C#m                    D9 
I would tell you that I loved you if I thought that you would stay 
A               Bm         C#m                    D9 
But I know that it's no use that you've already gone away 

E9               F#m      E9               F#m 
 Misjudged your limit,  pushed you too far 
E9             F#m      D9                  E9 
 Took you for granted, I thought that you needed me more 
A               Bm         C#m                    D9 
Now I would do most anything to get you back to my side 
A               Bm         C#m                    D9 
But I just keep on laughing, hiding the tears in my eyes 
B|-2-2-2-3-5--2-2-2-3-5-555/E 2-4-5-5-3-2/B-2 ----|  {Solo} 

(A Bm C#m D9 :- D9 C#m Bm A) x2   {Base} x4 e então A   {Base} 

Cos' boys don't cry 
     Boys don't cry 
              Boys don't cry 


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