Lonely Ones


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Lonely Ones

Written by Joakim Berg/David Björk/Lova Sönnerbo/Cassandra Stroberg


Verse 1:

D G Everybody's talking about last night D G The cops showed up when everyone was passed out A At my classmates house D No one told me where to go G But then again I'd never showed D G Still I can't help but feeling left behind
G This is for the lonely ones A The ones who go to bed and think they got no one G The shy kid at the playground A The runaways on Greyhounds G This is for the lonely ones A The ones who always wonder where their friends have gone G The boy who can't stop crying A The girl who gave up trying G This is for the lonely ones A The lonely ones D A G Yeah, I am just like you D A G I have been there too

Verse 2:

D G Wakeup feeling worse than yesterday D G I'm pretty fucking far from being okay A Still I check my phone D Perfect smiles and perfect lives G Though I know it's all a lie D G I can't help but feeling I should change
G This is for the lonely ones A The ones who go to bed and think they got no one G The shy kid at the playground A The runaways on Greyhounds G This is for the lonely ones A The ones who always wonder where their friends have gone G The boy who can't stop crying A The girl who gave up trying


G I know the voice inside your head saying you're never good enough D The times you stay in bed because it's too hard to get up G The friends who disappear when things just get a bit too rough D A D A G Time to make it stop
G This is for the lonely ones A The ones who go to bed and think they got no one G The shy kid at the playground A The runaways on Greyhounds G This is for the lonely ones A The ones who always wonder where their friends have gone G The boy who can't stop crying A The girl who gave up trying G This is for the lonely ones A The lonely ones D A G Yeah, I am just like you D A G I have been there too

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