Manchester Orchestra

The Gold

Manchester Orchestra

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The Gold

Written by Andy Hull

Intro: C  Em  G  C 

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Riff E|-------------------2------| B|-------------------2------| G|-------------------2------| D|-2/4---4-2-0-------4------| A|------------4-2-0--4------| E|-------------------2------|
C Em G Couldn't really love you anymore, you've become my ceiling C Em G I don't think I love you anymore, that gold mine changed you C Em G You don't have to hold me anymore, our cave's collapsing C Em G I don't wanna be me anymore, my old man told me C Em G C You don't open your eyes for a while, you just breathe that moment down C D G C Forty miles out of East Illinois for my old man's heart attack I believed you were crazy You believed that you love me ( C Em G C ) C Em G I don't wanna bark here anymore, black hills, the colly C Em G Wasn't really dangerous for us, we just catch you coughing C Em G What the hell are we gonna do, a black mile to the surface C Em G I don't wanna be here anymore, it all tastes like poison C Em G C You can't open your eyes for a while, you just breathe that moment down C D G C Forty hours out of Homestake and I'm trying to translate you again I believed you were crazy C Em G C You believed that you love me C Em G C You and me, we're a daydrink C Em G C So lose your faith in me C D G C Ah-ah ah-ah ah-ah ah-ah ah-ah-ah C D G C Ah-ah ah-ah ah-ah ah-ah ah-ah-ah C D G C You can't open your eyes for a while, you just beat that moment down C D G C You can't open your eyes for a while, you just breathe C Em G C I believed you were crazy C Em G C You believed that you love me C Em G C You and me, we're a daydrink C Em G C So lose your faith in me C Em G C Lose your faith in me C Em G C Oh lose your faith in me ( C Em G C )

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