
More Than You Know


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More Than You Know

Written by Michael Jay/Martika/Marvin Morrow

Intro: C Bb F F 

There's a fire in my eyes 
          Bb                     F    F 
It should come as no surprise to you 
If I've shown you once or twice 
Bb                               F          F 
How I feel it's because it's the truth (You know that it's true) 

Ab                       F 
   Wanted to tell you so many times 
      Bb                    C 
How I feel when you're with me 
   Now that I've found you 
F                         G       G 
   I know that you are my destiny I-I love you more than you 

C                       F        G 
know (This feeling's so strong inside) 
C                     F    G 
  I won't let you go 
C                        F      G 
  I'm afraid to show it    'Cuz I don't wanna 
C                  F             G 
blow it (Blow it)     I love you more than you 

C     Bb   F 

You know you've got me hypnotized 
       Bb                           F    F 
That's something I should hide from you 
If I feel so mesmerized 
       Bb                           F        F 
It's because of the things that you do  (The things that you do) 

Ab                     F 
   I only wish I could read your mind 
       Bb                C 
So I'd know just how you feel 
   Send me a signal 
F                           G              G 
  Tell me your feelings are just as real   I-I love you more than you 

C                       F        G 
know (This feeling's so strong inside) 
C                     F    G 
  I won't let you go 
C                        F      G 
  I'm afraid to show it    'Cuz I don't wanna 
C                  F             G 
blow it (Blow it)     I love you more than you 

Bb              F 
I don't mean to put you under pressure 
         G                F              C 
But it's something that I just cannot control 
And though I'd give you the world 
I'm afraid to let you know 
     G                       C 
'Cuz I don't wanna lose your love 
(Love, love, love, love, love, love, love) 

Ab                       F 
   Wanted to tell you so many times 
      Bb                    C 
How I feel when you're with me 
   Now that I've found you 
F                         G       G 
   I know that you are my destiny I-I love you more than you 

C                       F        G 
know (This feeling's so strong inside) 
C                     F    G 
  I won't let you go 
C                        F      G 
  I'm afraid to show it    'Cuz I don't wanna 
C                  F             G 
blow it (Blow it)     I love you more than you 

C                       F        G 
know (This feeling's so strong inside) 
C                     F    G 
  I won't let you go 
C                        F      G 
  I'm afraid to show it    'Cuz I don't wanna 
C                  F             G 
blow it (Blow it)     I love you more than you 


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