Mary Chapin Carpenter

Thanksgiving Song

Mary Chapin Carpenter

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Thanksgiving Song

Written by Mary Chapin Carpenter

Intro: E A/E E A/E 

B/D#       E       A       E     B/D#    E 
Grate-ful for each hand we hold, gathered'round 

A   Eadd9     B/D#   E       A      E 
this table from far an near we travel home 

B/D#         E      F#m7       B/D#  B 
blessed that we are a----------ble 

B/D#    E         A         E 
grateful for this sheltered place with 

B/D#          E     A   E     B/D#      E  
with light in every window,say welcome,_welcome, 

A      Eadd9        B/D#  E 
share this feast, come in away from 

F#m7 B  A       E 
sorrow, father, mother, 

C#m7      B/D#       B A          E 
daughter, son,_______  neighbor, friend, and  

B          A   E      C#m7  B/D# 
friendless altogether, everyone 

B       B/D#    E          A    B 
 in the gift of loving and kindness 

B/D# E    A E              B/D# E 

A Eadd9            B/D# E     A E 

         B/D#  E  A  B 

B/D#     E         A    E           B/D#      E 
grateful for whats understood, and   all that is for 

A   Eadd9 B/D#    E    A      E 
 giv--en we  try so hard to be good 

   B/D#   E          F#m7  B 
to lead a life worth  liv-ing 

A       E      C#m7       B/D#   B A          E 
father, mother, daughter, son____, neighbor, friend, and 

  B         A   E      C#m7  B/D#  B 
friendless, altogether, every-one,  let 

B/D#     E       A   B    B/D#     E 
grateful days be endless. grateful for each 

A       E     B/D#       E        A    E 
hand we hold, gathered'round this ta--ble 

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