Mayday Parade

The Torment Of Existance Weighed Against The Horror Of Nonbeing

Mayday Parade

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The Torment Of Existance Weighed Against The Horror Of Nonbeing

Written by Brooks Betts/Jake Bundrick/Alex Garcia/Jeremy Lenzo/Derek Sanders

	  		The Torment of existsnce weighed against the horror of nonbeing  
(Intro) goes with la's  
La La La La La   
Time signature 6/8  

C                 G          C  
You could call me a fiend  
G                  F                               G  
Say I'm as unbalanced as I'll ever be  
G       F                    G  
Wait around for the hook  
F                            G                      F         C  
All while you're desperately clinging to me  
C                  G              C  
You could say that I'm lost  
G                   F                                  G  
Searching around to find my own soul  
G             F                      G  
Digging under my own skin  
F                         G                          F                 C  
Wearing your clothes just to know that I'm home  

               Am           G                 F               C  
Now it's over and over and right back to me  
Am               C                             G  
What's the point if you've got one  
                Am               G               F          C  
Now I'm closer and closer to all that I need  
Am    C                           G  
Wait around and you'll see  
                   Am         F                    C         G  
'Cause we all find love when we fall  
      Am              G                  F                                G                 C  
But We say that it means the whole world it means nothing at all  

(Intro/Instrumental interlude)  

C             G                  C  
Me and all the lost boys  
G               F                                    G  
Spinning around in a circus we play  
G     F                G  
Hit me with it again  
F                   G                        F             C  
Once ain't enough now I should be okay  

                Am           G                 F                      C  
Now it's over and over and right back to me (right back to me)  
Am               C                                 G  
What's the point if you've got one  
                Am               G               F          C  
Now I'm closer and closer to all that I need  
Am    C                                G  
Wait around and you'll see  
             Am               F                   C       G  
'Cause we all find love when we fall  
      Am               G                 F                                               G   C  
We say that it means the whole world but it means nothing at all  

Am                                            Cadd9  
I hope I hope you're happy now  
(I hope I hope you're happy now)  
Cadd9         F  
Later you'll find out  
(Later you'll find out)  
F               D          
This is a castle and I am the king  
Am                                                              E  
It's the price that you pay for living this way  
E                                                                Am  
Every night on the stage forgetting yourself  
For the ones that you love  
F                                                                        G  
You don't say what you need you just take what you want  


               Am             G                F             C  
Now it's over and over and right back to me  
Am                C                                G  
What's the point if you've got one  
                 Am             G                F         C  
Now I'm closer and closer to all that I need  
Am      C                             G  
Wait around and you'll see  
                    Am        F                   C          G  
'Cause we all find love when we fall  
        Am                G                 F                                               G    C  
We say that it means the whole world but it means nothing at all  

This is my first chord tabbing, so if there are any mistakes please feel free to   
email or message me so i can fix it immediately!  
Thanks -Brady 

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