Medicine For The People

Vultures Of Culture

Medicine For The People

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Vultures Of Culture


E         Ab            A 
It all starts to make sense 
E         Ab            A 
It all starts to make sense 
E                                  Ab            A 
With all these omens, we've been callin' it in, uh huh 
E         Ab            A 
It all starts to make sense 

E                            Ab 
All my thoughts and particularly my prayers 
Have not forgotten the indigenous 
E                            Ab            A 
For the western man's been workin' so hard against us 
With his western medicine 
Ab                               A 
And his land management and his fences, uh huh 
E                            Ab  
Or the way he protects and the way he preserves 
Never the way he neglects the people who came first 
E                            Ab            A 
Ya know, the same ones that he massacred, uh huh 
E         Ab            A 
It all starts to make sense 
E                            Ab            A 
Where we're goin', where we're at and where we've been, uh huh 
E         Ab            A 
It all starts to make sense 

E                  Ab  
Well, creator, the behavior 
A                                                 E 
Of the collective youth definitely seems to be in favour 
Ab                    A 
Of the western man's invasion 
See him pumpin' fear like an IV 
Spreadin' it like a disease 
And all the while buildin' a clueless army 
E                               Ab 
Of god-fearing youth with no knowledge of the truth 
And their selfishness is so ugly 
E         Ab            A 
And it all starts to make sense 
E                        Ab                     A 
Who we gotta talk to if we wanna survive this mess, uh huh 
E         Ab            A 
It all starts to make sense 

E                      Ab 
Itty-bitty economies based on geography 
Fueled by spectators and their money 
E                               Ab          A 
And their need for things that will not last 
E                               Ab          A 
So go on, build a hotel, a gift shop in the wilderness 
E                     Ab 
Makin' a profit, capitalizin' on it 
And all the while tramplin' on everything that is sacred 
E         Ab            A 
And it all starts to make sense 
E                   Ab                        A 
Why western man destroys things he doesn't understand, uh huh 
E         Ab            A 
It all starts to make sense 
E                         Ab                    A 
All these patterns and wasteful destructive practices 

E                                    Ab 
Livin like a third world country inside this country 
Fuck the government that puts the people in poverty 
E                    Ab 
And it bothers me when the people are goin' hungry 
and corporate companies have got their cupboards full of groceries 
E                                 Ab 
It's disgusting how you can do nothing 
And complain about the situation in which you're living 
E         Ab            A 
And it all starts to make sense 
E                                      Ab                    A 
They're vultures of culture and they're pickin' on all my friends 
E         Ab            A 
It all starts to make sense 
E            Ab         A 
Oh indigenous imprisonment 

E                              Ab            
Well I dedicate my life to the people who need the light 
help them rise above the scam on the land and their lives 
And I'm cuttin' like a knife 
All the lies by the slice 
Independent of this democracy is really worth a fight 
E                          Ab 
My request in reasonable, a tribe undividable 
Ambition to keep movin' toward solutions that are feasible 
E                               Ab 
It's unbelievable, all the slow movin' people 
And they could care less, just as long as they are comfortable 
E                         Ab 
Man, it's unforgivable, because the conditions now are critical 
And whether or not you're ready we are now approachin' a pinnacle 
E                         Ab 
It's difficult to say exactly what to do 
But the change begins with me and I reflect it back to you 
E                         Ab                        A 
And you and you and you and use your ability to choose 

Come on, man, make the movement move 
E         Ab            A 
It all starts to make sense 
E         Ab            A 
It all starts to make sense 
E                               Ab             A 
With all these omens and the moon phase we're in, uh huh 
E         Ab            A 
It all starts to make sense 

E                              Ab            
Well I dedicate my life to the people who need the light 
help them rise above the scam on the land and their lives 
And I'm cuttin' like a knife 
All the lies by the slice 
Independent of this democracy is really worth a fight 
E                          Ab 
My request in reasonable, a tribe undividable 
Ambition to keep movin' toward solutions that are feasible 
E                               Ab 
It's unbelievable, all the slow movin' people 
And they could care less, just as long as they are comfortable 
E                         Ab 
Man, it's unforgivable, because the conditions now are critical 
And whether or not you're ready we are now approachin' a pinnacle 
E                         Ab 
It's difficult to say exactly what to do 
But the change begins with me and I reflect it back to you 
E                         Ab                        A 
And you and you and you and use your ability to choose 

Come on, man, make the movement move 
E         Ab            A 
It all starts to make sense 
E         Ab            A 
It all starts to make sense 
E                               Ab             A 
With all these omens and the moon phase we're in, uh huh 
E         Ab            A 
It all starts to make sense 

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