Melanie Safka

Running After Love

Melanie Safka

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Running After Love

Capo on 4th fret

Intro: Am  F  Dm  Am 
Runnin' after love is like 
Runnin' after someone else's train 
                    F                 Am 
It's takin' off without me once again 
Riding out my passions as they grow 
Giving life to love I know will end 
The part of me that aches longs for the pain 
                 Am     C 
To take me once again 
          G         C 
Takin' it easy this time 
          G       Am 
Takin' it easy in love (takin' it easy) 
         C          G         C 
Well I'm, takin' it easy this time 
          G       Am 
Takin' it easy in love (takin' it easy this time) 
Chasin' after love we're beggars 
Rolling high and reaching for your own 
Far from the heart and off the bone 
                Am    C 
And comin' out alone 
          G         C 
Takin' it easy this time 
          G       Am 
Takin' it easy in love (takin' it easy this time) 
         C          G         C 
Well I'm, takin' it easy this time 
          G       Am 
Takin' it easy in love  (takin' it easy this time) 
          G         C 
Takin' it easy this time 
          G       Am 
Takin' it easy in love (takin' it easy) 
         C          G         C 
Well I'm, takin' it easy this time 
          G       Am 
Takin' it easy in love 
Runnin' after love is like 
Runnin' after someone else's train 
                    F                 Am 
It's takin' off without me once again 
OUTRO:  (## repeat to end ##) 
Runnin' after love is like 
Runnin' after love and missing the train 
Take me once again 
Missing the train 
              F                    Am 
Runnin' after love and missing the train 

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