Melinda Schneider

Can You Hear Me Down The Hillside

Melinda Schneider


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Can You Hear Me Down The Hillside

Written by Jim Lauderdale/Melinda Schneider

	  		Written by 
Melinda Schneider/Jim Lauderdale 
Simple song to play if you just play chords 
If you have the song on CD listen out for Rod McCormack 
He just burns it up on the acoustic and the mandolin 
Intro D 
Can you hear me down the hillside 
From the top of this tall tree 
I never get to feeling lonesome 
All my friends are here with me 
All the birdies in the branches 
Like to watch me as I swing 
Then I climb up there beside 'em 
And we all begin to sing 
 G                   D 
Well here's little Willy wagtail 
He just flew into town 
He always seems to find me 
Whenever he's around 
He promises that someday 
He will teach me how to fly 
Though he tells me in the meantime 
I should just be satisfied with 
 G                      D 
Solo Chords: D G D G A D 
Well hello there Mr sunshine 
Watching over land and sea 
I think that it's about time 
You harmonise with me 
All the birdies in the branches 
Like to watch me as I swing 
Then I climb up there beside 'em 
And we all begin to sing 
Can you hear me down the hillside X3 

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