Mental As Anything

Too Many Times

Mental As Anything

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Too Many Times

	  		Intro - C - F - C - F 
C                                        F 
Too many times, too many times 
C                                    F 
Too many times, too many times 
C                                       F7                               Dm   
Too many times I've seen the sun come up through bloodshot eyes this week 
C                                          F7           Dm                   
No matter what I do since we broke up I find it hard to sleep 
The room is spinning from too many drinks I've drunken by myself 
I know that staying here and drinking beer is no good for my health 
G                          Cm             Eb                      Bb 
What is there left to do, but to drink and watch the view 
  F                                              C 
I think that it might rain this afternoon. 
Repeat Chorus 
The doctor that I went to couldn't do any good 
he gave me pills for sleeping I took more than I should, than I should. 
Too many times I've seen the sun come up through bloodshot eyes this week 
No matter what I do since we broke up I find it hard to sleep 
What is there left to do, but to drink and watch the view, 
I think that it might rain this afternoon. 
Too many times, too many times 
Too many times, too many times 
Tabbed by Daniel Worboys 
[email protected] 


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