Merle Haggard

Honky Tonk Night Time Man

Merle Haggard

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Honky Tonk Night Time Man

Written by Merle Haggard

I'm a honky tonk night time man I can't stand no light 

      C                                          G 
I'm a honky tonk night time man I can't stand no light 

         D7                                             G 
I get my rest in the daytime I make my running round at night 

I had the blues this morning I had the blues all day today 

          C                                          G 
I had the blues this morning I had the blues all day today 

             D7                                         G 
But when the sun goes down I'm gonna tuck my blues away away 


And when my heart starts beating when the sun starts sinking low 

        C                                                G 
Lord my heart starts beating when the sun starts sinking low 

         D7                               G 
When the shadows fall I know it's time to go 

I'm a honky tonk night time man I can't stand no light 

      C                                          G 
I'm a honky tonk night time man I can't stand no light 

         D7                                             G 
I get my rest in the daytime I make my running round at night 

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