Merle Haggard

My Favorite Memory

Merle Haggard

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My Favorite Memory

Written by Merle Haggard

    F                                            Bb Gm Dm Bb
The first time we met is a favorite mem'ry of mine.
They say time changes all it pertains to
But your memory is stronger than time.
I guess everything does change except what you choose to recall.
There's a million good daydreams to dream on
                               F      C7  F      C7 F C7 F
But, baby, you are My Favorite Mem'ry of  all.

Like the night we made love in the hallway,
          C7    Bb                   Gm Dm Bb
Slept all night long on the floor.
         C7                                                         F
Like the winter we spent at Lake Shasta alone, and closer than ever before.

And I remember that London vacation.
                        Bb                   Gm Dm Bb
It was you who made the whole thing a ball.
There's a million good-times I could dwell on,
                               F      C7  F     C7 F C7 F
But, baby, you are My Favorite Mem'ry of  all.

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