Merle Haggard

Wait A Little Longer Please Jesus

Merle Haggard

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Wait A Little Longer Please Jesus

Written by Hazel Houser/Chester Smith

	  		(E) Here the labor is so hard 
And the (A) workers, they are (E) tired 
And our weary hearts are yearnin' for a (B7) rest 
And I (E) find we're getting anxious 
To (A) be in that happy (E) home 
Where we'll receive such (B7) peace and happi-(E) ness. 
(E) But wait a little longer, please (B7) Jesus 
There are so many wandering out in (E) sin 
Just a little longer, please (B7) Jesus 
A few more days to get our loved ones (E) in. 
The family's scattered here and there 
And oh, Lord we love them dear 
Maybe we can help them find the way 
But if waiting is the cost 
Dear, oh, Lord they might be lost 
And that's the only reason why we say. 

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