Michael Bolton

Hold On I'm Coming

Michael Bolton

chords Intermediate intermediate


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Hold On I'm Coming

Written by Isaac Hayes and David Porter

Introd.: G#  B  C#  G# 

Verse 1:

G#7 Now don't you ever be sad lean on me C#7 When times get bad when the day comes C#7/9- I know your down in a river of trouble and ready to drown
G# B C# G# Hold on i'm comin' hold on i'm comin'

Verse 2:

G#7 On my way your lover and if you get cold i'll be your cover C#7 Never have to worry cause i'm here C#7/9- Don't need to suffer baby cause i'm near
G# B C# G# Hold on i'm comin' hold on i'm comin' B C# G# Hold on i'm comin' hold on i'm comin'


C#7 B Reach out to me for satisfaction yeah look, call my name now C# D#7 For quick reaction eh eh eh yeah
Interlude: G# F# B C# G# B C# G#

Verse 3:

G#7 Now don't you ever feel sad lean on me when times get bad C#7 When the day comes, and your down C#7/9- In a river of trouble, and you might drown
G# B C# G# So hold on i'm comin' hold on i'm comin' G# B C# G# G# B C# G# Hold on i'm comin' hold on i'm comin'

Verse 4:

B C# G# Hold on I'm comin', why don't you hold on B C# G# I'm comin', I'm about to save you

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