Michael Bublé

Put your head on my shoulder

Michael Bublé

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Put your head on my shoulder

Year: 2003 - Album: Michael Bublé

Written by Paul Anka

	  		Intro:  G   Em   Am   D   G   C   G 
              G Em    Am              D                 G     Em 
1. Put your head on my shoulder,         hold me in your arms,   baby, 
Am           D               G          Em   Am        D           G C G 
    squeeze me, oh, so tight,    show me       that you love me, too. 
                  G     Em    Am           D                 G   Em 
    Put your lips next to mine, dear,      won't you kiss me once,   baby, 
Am          D          G        Em   Am            D                G  
    Just a kiss goodnight,    may be          you and I will fall in love. 
         C                 G     G7 
    (You and I will fall in love) 
       D            G                D                   G 
    People say that love's a game, a game you just can't win. 
       A           Bm                   A                              D D7 
 If there's a way, I'll find it some day, and then this fool will rush in. 
                  G Em   Am              D             G     Em 
2. Put your head on my shoulder,         whisper in my ear,    baby, 
Am     D                G      Em   Am            D              G  C G 
    words I want to hear,    tell me,       tell me that you love me too. 
                   G Em    Am              D             G     Em 
    Put your head on my shoulder,          whisper in my ear,    baby, 
Am       D                G      Em   Am                     
    words I want to hear,    baby,           
        D                   G       Em   Am   D   G 
    put your head on my shoulder. 


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