Michael Gungor

Ancient Skies

Michael Gungor

chords Expert expert

by  BLUEBLUR9697

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Ancient Skies

You have never changed, your love is endless  
And your mercy has remained through all the ages   
G           A  
You shine so bright   
Nothing can compare, you made the heavens   
And your glory fills the air through all the ages   
G                A  
You ride ancient skies   

Chorus 1:  
      Bm                A          F#m   G  
And You ride ancient skies! You're amazing!   
      Bm            A                    
Creation cries! So will I       (You're amazing!)   
Now we stand amazed   
And we will sing the word that sang in ancient days  
                        G                A        Dsus 
A single word thats overflowing in this praise: Hallelujah   
Chorus 2:  
        Bm      A            F#m    Bm        G         A     Dsus D  
Hallelu---------jah! Hallelu---------jah! Hallelu---------jah!  


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