Misc Christmas

Theres A Song In The Air

Misc Christmas

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Theres A Song In The Air

verse 1 
G                     D7 
There's a song in the air! 
          G           D7 
There's a star in the sky! 
           G            G2    D 
There's a  moth - er's  deep  prayer 
          A7          D 
And   a   baby's low  cry! 
D7      G              G7 
And the star rains its fire 
          D7           D 
While the beauty - ful sing, 
        G7           C            D7         G 
For the man - ger of Beth - lehem cradles a  King. 

verse 2 
G                     D7 
There's a tumult  of  joy 
          G           D7 
O'er  the wonderful   birth, 
           G            G2    D 
For   the  vir - gin's  sweet boy 
          A7          D 
Is  the   Lord of the earth. 
D7      G              G7 
Ay! the star sends its fire 
          D7           D 
While the beauty - ful sing, 
        G7           C            D7         G 
For the man - ger of Beth - lehem cradles a  King! 

verse 3 
G                     D7 
In the light of that  star 
          G           D7 
Lie  the  ages   im - pearled; 
           G            G2    D 
And  that  song   from  a  -  far, 
          A7          D 
Has swept ov - er the world. 
D7      G              G7 
Every   heart  is  a - flame, 
          D7           D 
And  the  beauty - ful sing 
        G7           C            D7         G 
In the  homes of the nations that Jesus  is  King! 

verse 4 
G                     D7 
We re - joice in the  light 
          G           D7 
And   we  ech - o the song 
           G            G2    D 
That comes down through the   night 
          A7          D 
From the  heaven - ly throng. 
D7      G              G7 
Ay! We  shout to  the  lovely 
          D7           D 
      E ? vangel they  bring, 
        G7           C            D7         G 
And we  greet in His cradle  our  Savior and King! 

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