Misc Mashups

Chris Tomlin - I Will Rise - Horatio Spafford - It Is Well

Misc Mashups

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Chris Tomlin - I Will Rise - Horatio Spafford - It Is Well


Verse 1:

F#m9 D A E There's a peace I've come to know though my heart and flesh may fail F#m9 D A E There's an anchor for my soul I can say it is well A E A/C# D E A When peace like a river atten - deth my way A/G# F#m B Esus E When sorrows like sea billows roll A D B E Whatever my lot Thou hast taught me to say A A/C# D E A It is well It is well with my soul

Verse 2:

F#m9 D A E There's a day that's drawing near when this darkness breaks to light F#m9 D A E And the shadows disappear and my faith shall be my eyes
It Is Well verse 4 A E A/C# D E A And Lord haste the day When my faith shall be sight A/G# F#m B Esus E The clouds be rolled back as a scroll A D B E The trump shall resound And the Lord shall descend A A/C# D E A Even so it is well With my soul


A E/G# F#m7 D Jesus has overcome And the grave is overwhelmed A/C# Esus E F#m D The victory is won He is risen from the dead A E/G# F#m7 D Jesus has overcome And the grave is overwhelmed A/C# Esus E F#m D The victory is won He is risen from the dead
A E F#m D I will rise when He calls my name No more sorrow no more pain A E F#m D A I will rise on eagle's wings Before my God fall on my knees and rise A E A E I will rise I will rise


D A E D A E And I hear the voice of many angels sing Worthy is the Lamb D A E D A E And I hear the cry of ev'ry longing heart Worthy is the Lamb D A E Worthy is the Lamb

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