Misc Originals

Andy - Pilgrims Way

Misc Originals

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Andy - Pilgrims Way


Verse 1:

E Asus2 I'm going on a journey E Asus2 I'm starting today E Asus2 I'm going on a journey E Asus2 It's the only way


D E Asus2 And when I get to celestial city D E Asus2 E Asus2 Then I'm gonna shout hip, hip, hooray

Verse 2:

E Asus2 I'm not turning back, now E Asus2 I've started my race E Asus2 Even if it's tough now E Asus2 I'll walk the narrow way


D E Asus2 And when I get to celestial city D E Asus2 E Asus2 Then I'm gonna shout hip, hip, hooray

Verse 3:

E Asus2 Since I called to Jesus E Asus2 And turned from my sin E Asus2 When I felt forgiveness E Asus2 I had a joy within


D E Asus2 And when I get to celestial city D E Asus2 E Asus2 Then I'm gonna shout hip, hip, hooray

Verse 4:

E Asus2 I'm on my way to heaven E Asus2 Why don?t you come to E Asus2 Even if you've made mistakes E Asus2 He's willing to forgive you


D E Asus2 And when I get to celestial city D E Asus2 E Asus2 Then I'm gonna shout hip, hip, hooray
E Asus2 E Asus2 hip, hip, hooray E Asus2 E Asus2 I'm on my way E Asus2 E Asus2 hip, hip, hooray E Asus2 E Asus2 I'm on the pilgrim's way

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