Misc Originals

Mitch Sevy - Blind

Misc Originals

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Mitch Sevy - Blind


Verse 1:

C C7 As I walk the path of truth I see foot steps come up then go down the F G other side as they wander out and in again of the wilderness C that surrounds what is rite I wonder why they don't stay the C7 F G course when there feet find the straight and narrow line I see one of these travlers stumble on the path and relize they are C blind
G They've been lead astray had there sight taken away F C by the ones that are supposed to educate but there G C doctrine is false and the proof is in the path that they take

Verse 2:

C C7 They stomp around like spoiled children who have'nt earned F G any of the things that they demand there flawed plan for humanity will be the downfall and destruction of there C fellowe man they want to tear down the house and the very C7 F G foundation on which it stands they don't have the slightest C idea of what it takes to build it back up again
G They've been lead astray had there sight taken away F C by the ones that are supposed to educate but there G C doctrine is false and the proof is in the path that they take

Verse 3:

C C7 I've heard them say that they feer the man that flies the flag F G of the free nation in wich they live the men who fly the flag C are the reason it's free but they don't realize it when they C7 F were struck blind and turned out into the wilderness they G C where given a feast of lies and they still swallow it
G They've been lead astray had there sight taken away F C by the ones that are supposed to educate but there G C doctrine is false and the proof is in the path that they take

Verse 4:

C C7 If your with me on the path of truth I'll watch your back F G and you watch mine we have to watch out for the blind C following the blind
G They've been lead astray had there sight taken away F C by the ones that are supposed to educate but there G C doctrine is false and the proof is in the path that they take

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