Misc Praise Songs

How Sweet And Aweful Is The Place

Misc Praise Songs

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How Sweet And Aweful Is The Place

	  		Verse: 1 
     Eb Eb/D Ab/C Bb Ab/C Bb/D Eb9 Eb  Bb  Cm 
How sweet    and awe -  ful    is     the place 
Ab Ddim/Ab  Eb Eb/D Ab/C Eb/G  Ab    Eb Eb4/9 Eb 
With     Christ   with - in  the  doors, 
Eb Eb/D Ab/C Ab/Bb  Ab    Eb9/G Eb/G Fm/Ab Eb9/Bb Eb/Bb Bdim7  Cm 
While     e    -    ver - last   -    ing  love         dis - plays 
Cm  Eb/G EbM7/G Ab Ebsus/Bb Bb7 Eb 
The choic   -   est  of    her stores. 

Verse: 2 
      Eb Eb/D Ab/C      Bb   Ab/C Bb/D Eb9 Eb  Bb  Cm 
While all      our    hearts  and      all    our songs 
Ab Ddim/Ab  Eb Eb/D Ab/C Eb/G  Ab    Eb Eb4/9 Eb 
Join      to       ad - mire the  feast, 
Eb Eb/D Ab/C Ab/Bb  Ab   Eb9/G Eb/G Fm/Ab Eb9/Bb Eb/Bb Bdim7  Cm 
Each     of         us    cry,       with thank    -    ful tongues, 
 Cm   Eb/G EbM7/G Ab Ebsus/Bb Bb7 Eb 
"Lord, why        was  I      a guest? 

Verse: 3 
     Eb Eb/D Ab/C Bb Ab/C Bb/D Eb9 Eb  Bb  Cm 
"Why was      I  made to       hear   thy voice, 
Ab  Ddim/Ab  Eb Eb/D Ab/C Eb/G    Ab    Eb Eb4/9 Eb 
And        en   -   ter while there's room, 
Eb Eb/D Ab/C Ab/Bb  Ab  Eb9/G Eb/G Fm/Ab  Eb9/Bb Eb/Bb Bdim7  Cm 
When    thou   -   sands make        a   wretch    -    ed choice, 
Cm  Eb/G EbM7/G Ab Ebsus/Bb Bb7  Eb 
And ra    -    ther starve than come?" 

Verse: 4 
      Eb Eb/D Ab/C  Bb  Ab/C Bb/D Eb9 Eb  Bb  Cm 
'Twas the     same love  that    spread  the feast 
Ab Ddim/Ab  Eb Eb/D Ab/C Eb/G  Ab  Eb Eb4/9 Eb 
That     sweet  -  ly  drew  us  in; 
Eb Eb/D Ab/C Ab/Bb  Ab    Eb9/G Eb/G Fm/Ab Eb9/Bb Eb/Bb Bdim7 Cm 
Else     we        had     still      re - fused         to taste, 
Cm  Eb/G EbM7/G Ab    Ebsus/Bb Bb7 Eb 
And pe     -   rished   in     our sin. 

Verse: 5 
     Eb Eb/D Ab/C Bb   Ab/C Bb/D Eb9 Eb  Bb  Cm 
Pi - ty      the  na - tions,    O       our God, 
Ab Ddim/Ab  Eb Eb/D  Ab/C Eb/G  Ab  Eb Eb4/9 Eb 
Con . -  strain    the earth  to come; 
Eb Eb/D Ab/C Ab/Bb  Ab    Eb9/G Eb/G Fm/Ab Eb9/Bb Eb/Bb Bdim7  Cm 
Send     thy       vic - to     -    rious Word          a - broad, 
Cm  Eb/G EbM7/G Ab Ebsus/Bb   Bb7  Eb 
And bring      the strang  -  ers home. 

Verse 6 
    Eb Eb/D Ab/C Bb  Ab/C Bb/D Eb9 Eb   Bb  Cm 
We long      to see  thy       church - es full, 
Ab Ddim/Ab  Eb Eb/D  Ab/C Eb/G    Ab   Eb Eb4/9 Eb 
That      all       the cho  -  sen race 
Eb Eb/D Ab/C Ab/Bb  Ab   Eb9/G Eb/G Fm/Ab Eb9/Bb Eb/Bb Bdim7  Cm 
May,     with       one voice         and heart        and   soul, 
Cm  Eb/G EbM7/G Ab  Ebsus/Bb Bb7  Eb 
Sing thy        re - deem  - ing grace. 

Ab  Eb 
A - MEN. 

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