Misc Traditional

Lavenders Blue

Misc Traditional

chords Beginner beginner


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Lavenders Blue

	  		D                           G 
Lavender's blue dilly dilly lavender's green  
D                          A            D  
When I am king dilly dilly you shall be queen 
D                            G 
Lavender's green dilly dilly lavender's blue 
D                            A           D 
You must love me dilly dilly 'cos I love you 

D                            G 
Down in the vale dilly dilly where flowers grow 
D                              A        D 
And the birds sing dilly dilly all in a row 

D                             G 
A brisk young man dilly dilly met with a maid 
D                             A          D 
And laid her down dilly dilly under the  shade 

D                               G 
There they did play dilly dilly and kiss and court 
D                            A           D 
All the fine day dilly dilly making good sport 

D                               G 
I've heard them say dilly dilly since I came hither 
D                          A           D     
That you and I dilly dilly might lie together 

D                             G 
Therefore be kind dilly dilly while here we lie 
D                             A          D 
And you will love dilly dilly my dog and I 

D                          G 
For you and I  dilly dilly now all are one 
D                           A        D 
And we will lie dilly dilly no more alone 

D                           G 
Lavender's blue dilly dilly lavender's green 
D                          A          D 
Let me be king dilly dilly you be the queen 

D                            G 
Lavender's green dilly dilly lavender's blue 
D                            A           D 
You must love me dilly dilly 'cos I love you 

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