Misc Your Songs

Caspian Driscoll - Unfailing Love

Misc Your Songs

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Caspian Driscoll - Unfailing Love

	  		verse 1 
     C          F 
It's amazing to see 
     C         G 
Your unfailing love 
     C             F 
when You sent Your Son 
   C   G   Am 
To die for us 

C                 G 
Then on the third day 
   C       G 
He resurrected 
     C         F 
Your unfailing love 
   C         F   G 
Is more than enough 
   C         F   G 
Is more than enough 

verse 2 
     C      F 
It's such a mystery 
     C         G 
Your unfailing love 
     C              F 
That You would save me 
    C   G    Am 
And not your Son 

C                 G 
Then on the third day 
   C       G 
He resurrected 
     C         F 
Your unfailing love 
   C         F   G 
Is more than enough 
   C         F   G 
Is more than enough 

verse 3 
  C             F 
I deserve no mercy 
         C         G 
But Your unfailing love 
     C        F 
Sent Jesus to die 
     C    G    Am 
Come down from above 

C                 G 
Then on the third day 
   C       G 
He resurrected 
     C         F 
Your unfailing love 
   C         F   G 
Is more than enough 
   C         F   G 
Is more than enough 
C                 G 
Then on the third day 
   C       G 
He resurrected 
     C         F 
Your unfailing love 
   C         F   G 
Is more than enough 
   C         F   G 
Is more than enough 

    C     G 
You saved me 
    C     G 
You saved me 
    C        G       F 
You saved me from my sin 
    C     G 
You saved me 
    C     G 
You saved me 
    C        G       F 
You saved me from my sin 
    C     G 
You saved me 
    C     G 
You saved me 
    C        G       F 
You saved me from my sin 

C                 G 
Then on the third day 
   C       G 
He resurrected 
     C         F 
Your unfailing love 
   C         F   G 
Is more than enough 
   C         F   G 
Is more than enough 

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