
Francis Forever


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Francis Forever

Written by ,


Verse 1:

Em C Am G I don't know what to do without you Em C Am G I don't know where to put my hands Em C Am G I've been trying to lay my head down C F G C But I'm writing this at 3am
F G C Em I don't need the world to see F G C Em That I've been the best I can be, but F G C Em I don't think I could stand to be F G Em C Where you don't see me
Em Cmaj7 F C Am C G C Em Cmaj7 Em Cmaj7 F C Am C Am G

Verse 2:

Em C Am G On sunny days, I go out walking Em C Am G I end up on a tree-lined street Em C Am G I look up at the gaps of sunlight Am F G C I miss you more than anything
F G C Em I don't need the world to see F G C Em E That I've been the best I can be, but F G C Em I don't think I could stand to be F G E Where you don't see me F G C Em And autumn comes when you're not yet done F G C E With the summer passing by, but F G C E I don't think I could stand to be F G C Where you don't see me

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