
Pregnant For The Last Time


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Pregnant For The Last Time

Written by Morrissey/Mark E. Nevin

Capo on 3rd fret

C   F Eb D C (x3) 
G   F 
C   F Eb D C 

C                     F    Eb D C 
Phlegm lapels for the last time 
C                      F    Eb D C 
Corn beef legs for the last time 
Oh, we're so glad 
            F              C   F Eb D C 
That you've finally decided 

Eb But then you see someone new Ab And you want someone new Eb So you have someone new Bb I don't blame you Eb Ab We would all do the same as you D G If ever we had the nerve to
Verse C F Eb D C Chips with cream for the last time C F Eb D C The people's friend for the last time G Oh, we're so glad F C F Eb D C That you've finally decided C F Eb D C Tiny striped socks for the last time C F Eb D C Pokes and prods for the last time G And the doctor said F C F Eb D C "don't nod your head until june !"
Eb But then you see someone new Ab And you want someone new Eb So you have someone new Bb I don't blame you Eb Ab We would all do the same as you D G If ever we had the chance to
Interlude C F Eb D Verse C F Eb D C Sick at noon for the last time C And who is going to clean up ? F Eb D C Would you be so kind ? G Oh, everybody's staring F C F Eb D C At the strange clothes that you're wearing C F Eb D C Bad advice for the last time C F Eb D C And people being nice for the very first time G Oh, we're so glad F C F Eb D C That you have finally decided !

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