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Intro E F# G# e|------------------------|-----------------|-----------------------------------| B|------------------------|-----------------|-----------------------------------| G|------------------------|-----------------|-----------------------------------| D|---11-----------------6-|---11------------|---11------------------------------| A|-11--11-9/7-9~-7-9-7/6--|-11---6-9~--7----|-11--11-9-7-9~-7-9-7-6~--7~-9~-11~-| E|------------------------|-----9-----5-5-8~|-----------------------------------|
C#m E C#m F# Sorries pour out of you, all wide-eyed simple smiles C#m G# A E F# G# Certain to see you through, like a QC full of fake humility A C#m D# E F# you say: "Oh, please forgive..." E F# G# you say: "Oh, live and let live..." B E B C#m D# E F# ...but sorry doesn't help us, and sorry will not save us B C#m F# A G# ...and sorry will not bring my teen years back to me...any time soon C#m E C#m F# Forced back it springs right out, seasoned you have no doubts C#m G# A you lied about the lies that you told E F# G# which is the full extent of what being you is all about A C#m D# E F# you say: "Oh, please forgive..." E F# G# you say: "Oh, live and let live..." B E but sorry doesn't help us B C#m D# E F# oh sorry will not save us B C#m F# A G# oh sorry will not bring my love into my far as I know solo C#m B A G# C#m G# A G# C#m B A G# E F# G# B E oh sorry doesn't help us B C#m D# E F# oh sorry will not save us B C#m F# A G# oh sorry is just a word you find so easy to say, so you say it anyway B E oh sorry doesn't help us B C#m D# E F# oh sorry won't protect us B C#m F# A G# oh sorry won't undo all the good gone wrong

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