
Yes I Am Blind


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Yes I Am Blind

Written by Morrissey/Andy Rourke


Ebm         Abm  D    Bbm  Db    B      Bbm 
       Yes, I am blind , no I can't see 

                Db                          F#  Abm   E   F# 
       The good things, just the bad things, oh    oh   oh 

Ebm          D     Db              Bb    F# 
       Yes, I am blind, no I can't see 

Db                              F#       Abm        E    F# 
        There must be something horribly wrong with me 

Bridge:   Ebm   Bb   Db   B   Db   F#   Abm   Db  Bb 

                Ebm                    Abm 
      God, come down  if You're really there 

                                Db       F# 
      Well, You're the one who claims to care 

Ebm                 Bb          Db 
       Love's young dream 

                         B        F# 
       I'm the one who shopped you 

       I'm the one who stopped you 

       F#          Abm              E    F#   Ebm 
      'Cause in my sorry way I love you 

       Abm          Bb 
       Love's young dream 

                Db                   B      F# 
       Are you sorry for what you've done? 

      Db                        F# 
       Well, you're not the only one 

                 Abm                E    F# 
       And in my sorry way I love you 

Ebm           D       Bb     Db  B 
       Yes, I am blind but I do see 

       Db                  F#        Abm                 Db      Bb 
       Evil people prosper over the likes of you and me, always 

                 Ebm                    Abm 
       God, come down if You're really there 

                                Db        F# 
       Well, You're the one who claims to care 

Ebm               D              Db           B      Bb 
       Little lamb on a hill run fast if you can 

       Good Christians, they wanna kill you 

      F#       Abm                  E     
      And your life has not even begun 

               B                        Db 
       You're just like me, you're just like me 

       F#       Abm                  E 
       Oh, your life has not even begun 

               B                        Db 
       You're just like me, you're just like me 

And your life has not even begun 
You're just like me, just like me 
And your life has not even begun 
You're just like me, you're just like, just like me 

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