Mumford And Sons

Cold Arms

Mumford And Sons

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Cold Arms

Written by Ted Dwane/Ben Lovett/Winston Marshall/Marcus Mumford

Capo on 4th fret

Intro G 

verse 1 
G                           D 
  Weekend wreckers take the strains 
Em                      B7 
  With abandon in their eyes 
C                                     D 
  But in our bedroom we're bloodshot and beat 
C              Em 
  And never so alive 

C G B7 C And I know what's on your mi-i-ind G B7 C God knows I put it the-e-ere G B7 C But if I took it ba-a-a-ck Cm Well you'd be nowhere G You'd be nowhere again
verse 2 G D Now look at you all torn up Em B7 I left you waiting to bleed C D I guess the truth works two ways C Em Maybe the truth's not what we need
C G B7 C And I know what's on your mi-i-ind G B7 C God knows I put it the-e-ere G B7 C But if I took it ba-a-a-ck Cm Well you'd be nowhere G You'd be nowhere again
Outro: G B7 Em C But in my cold arms G You don't sleep B7 Em C In my cold arms G Your fear beats B7 Em C Cm In my cold arms G You stay

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