Mumford And Sons


Mumford And Sons

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G                            C           G 
So, it's fare thee well, my darling true 
I'm leaving in the first hour of the morn 
G                             C     G  
I'm bound off for the bay of Mexico 
              D               G*   
Or maybe the coast of Californ 

D C G So it's fare thee well my own true love D We'll meet another day, another time G* C G It ain't the leaving, that's a-grieving me D G* But my true love who's bound to stay behind
Verse: G C G Oh, the weather is against me and the wind blows hard D And the rain she's a-turning into hail G C G And I still might strike it lucky on a highway going west D G* But I'm traveling on a path beaten trail
D C G So it's fare thee well my own true love D We'll meet another day, another time G* C G It ain't the leaving, that's a-grieving me D G* But my true love who's bound to stay behind
Verse: G C G I will write you a letter from time to time D As I'm rambling you can travel with me too G C G With my head, my heart and my hands, my love D G* I will send what I learn back home to you
D C G So it's fare thee well my own true love D We'll meet another day, another time G* C G It ain't the leaving, that's a-grieving me D G* But my true love who's bound to stay behind
Verse: G C G I will tell you of the laughter and the troubles D Be them somebody else's or my own G C G With my hands in my pockets and my coat collar high D G* I will travel or unnoticed and unknown
D C G So it's fare thee well my own true love D We'll meet another day, another time G* C G It ain't the leaving, that's a-grieving me D G* But my true love who's bound to stay behind
G* C G It ain't the leaving, that's a-grieving me D G* But my true love who's bound to stay behind

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