Mumford And Sons

For Those Below

Mumford And Sons

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For Those Below

Written by Mumford & Sons


D   D7      G    Gm    
D   Em A7   D 

D    Em        Bm     A         D 
Helpless, she lies across the stairs 
D              Em      Bm  A         D 
Haunting your days, consuming your prayers 
D              Em                 Bm         A        D 
There will be healing, but don't force this girl to stand 
          D            Em                  Bm         A        D 
As she's counting the ceilings, with pale voice and trembling hands 

Em                    A7        D             G 
You told me life was long, but now that it's gone, 
     D               Em           Bm           G 
You find yourself on top, as the leader of a flock 
A7                               D   D7   G   Gm   D   Em A7   D 
Called to be around for those below 

D          Em             Bm           A             D 
Whispered notes from the piano in the corner of the room 
D           Em             Bm                  A              D 
Hold your throat, is that healing that you're hearing in her tune? 
D         Em         Bm         A           D 
Wanting change, but loving her just as she lies 
        D            Em         Bm        A       D       
Is the burden of the man who's built his life on love 

Em                    A7        D             G 
You told me life was long, but now that it's gone, 
     D               Em           Bm           G 
You find yourself on top, as the leader of a flock 
A7                               D   D7   G   Gm   D   Em A7   D 
Called to be around for those below 

Em                      A 
I'll be locked up and stored 
Em             A 
In a lavender ward 
Em                    A 
'Cause my mind is just like hers, 
          Em                               A 
just as broken, just as crippled, just as burned 
            D             Em           Bm           G 
And then I find myself on top, as the leader of a flock 
A7                               D   D7   G   Gm   D   Em A7   D 
Called to be around for those below 

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