Neutral Milk Hotel


Neutral Milk Hotel


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Key:  F More
Bucket Key CC
Bucket Key C#C#
Bucket Key DD
Bucket Key D#D#(one step down)
Bucket Key EE(half step down)
Bucket Key FF(original key)
Bucket Key F#F#(half step up)
Bucket Key GG(one step up)
Bucket Key G#G#
Bucket Key AA
Bucket Key A#A#
Bucket Key BB
	  		(A mesma seqüencia de acordes, a música inteira.  
Baixe também a versão tocada em um Church Organ. Vale à pena _o/) 
F			C 
Shadows on my wall  
Dm				Bb 
They creep and crawl in burning white  
T			C 
They dream of waterfalls  
Dm				Bb 
Catching slow bright streams of light.  
And life can be so weird  
Bucket full of fear  
But it's alright  
I'm on an isle  
And i've still got time to fly away  
Shadows in my dreams  
They're painting scenes of time with you  
I'm hoping all these things  
and the strength they bring will seem me through  
And life can be so weird  
Bucket full of fear  
But it's alright  
i'm on an isle  
And i've still got time to fly away.  


Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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