Neutral Milk Hotel

King of Carrot Flower Parts 2-3

Neutral Milk Hotel

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King of Carrot Flower Parts 2-3

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F C E|-----1-----------------|------0-----0----0----| B|-------1-----1---------|------1-----1----1----| G|---2-------2-----------|----------------------| D|-3-------3-------------|---2-----2-----2----2-| A|-----------------------|-3--------------------| E|-----------------------|----------------------|
F I love you Jesus Christ Jesus Christ I love you C Yes I do F I love you Jesus Christ Jesus Christ I love you C Yes I do F And on the lazy days The dogs dissolve and drain away The world it goes and always waits C Today we are awaiting F Up, and over we go through the wave and undertow C I will float until I learn how to swim F Inside my mother the garbage bin C Until I find myself again, again F Bb F C F Bb F Uh uh uh oh oh F Up, and over we go mouths open wide and spirits flow C I will spit until I learn how to speak F In the through the door and side boards creak C But I'm never proclaiming me, me F Bb F C F Bb F Uh uh uh oh oh F Oh, I know where we go the way to set slow down and I don't know C I will shout until they know what I mean F and in the miracle a dead dog sing C in this tin-can flying machine, machine

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