Nnenna Freelon

America The Beautiful

Nnenna Freelon

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America The Beautiful

Written by Katharine Lee Bates and Samuel Lee Ward

D7 G     Em Edim Am7      D7    C   C/B  Am7  D7       G  Edim  D7 
O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain, 
D7   G      Em Edim Am7    D7  Fdim D7  E7  A7     D7 
For purple mountain majesties above the fruited plain! 
  G  D7  D9  C  D7  Am7  D9  Am7   D   D7  G    G7M  G7   
America!  America!  God shed His grace on thee, 
Fdim C         Am7        G G/F#  Em  
And crown thy  good  with  brotherhood 
D7   C  Am7  D  D7   G    Em7    D7 
From sea to shining sea! 
D7 G    Em Edim Am7      D7          C C/B  Am7  D7    G   Edim  D7 
O beautiful for pilgrim feet whose stern impassion'd stress 
D7  G      Em Edim Am7     D7     Fdim D7 E7 A7  D7 
A thoroughfare for freedom beat across the wilderness. 
G  D7    D9  C  D7  Am7  D9  Am7   D     D7  G   G7M   G7 
America!  America!  God  mend  thine  ev'ry  flaw, 
Fdim C       Am7     G  G/F#   Em  D7  C   Am7   D  D7  G  Em7  D7 
Confirm thy soul in  selfcontrol,  thy  liberty  in  law. 
D7 G    Em Edim Am7      D7         C  C/B  Am7  D7    G   Edim  D7 
O beautiful for patriot dream that sees beyond  the  years 
D7    G    Em Edim Am7     D7      Fdim D7 E7   A7   D7 
Thine  alabaster  cities  gleam undim'd  by  human  tears. 
  G  D7  D9   C  D7   Am7  D9  Am7   D   D7  G    G7M  G7   
America!  America!  God  shed  His grace on thee, 
C         Am7        G     G/F#      Em  
And crown thy good with  brotherhood 
D7   C  Am7  D  D7   G     
From sea to shining sea! 

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