Norman Blake

Hand Me Down My Walkin Cane

Norman Blake

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Hand Me Down My Walkin Cane

	  		Intro: G D7 G C G 

I got high, lord I got in jail 
           D7                 G 
Lord I got high, and I got in jail 
      C          C7       G 
I got high and I got in jail, 
      D7                G 
Had nobody for to go my bail 
All my sins, they have overtaken me

Hand me down my walkin? cane 
             D7              G 
Lord hand me down my walkin? cane 
        C       C7       G 
Hand me down my walkin? cane 
            D7                   G 
I?m a-gonna leave on the mornin? train 
My sins, they have overtaken me 

Well, the beans was tough, and the meat was fat 
                 D7                      G 
Oh the beans was tough, and the meat was fat 
                   C              C7       G 
Well the beans was tough, and the meat was fat 
        D7                  G 
Oh good God, I couldn?t eat that 
My sins, they have overtaken me 

Well come on Ma, and go my bail 
             D7              G 
Lord come on Ma, and go my bail 
        C        C7     G 
Come on Mama and go my bail 
       D7                   G 
Get me outta this Nashville jail 
My sins, they have overtaken me 

Well if I die in Tennessee 
          D7              G 
Lord if I die, in Tennessee 
         C      C7      G 
Boy if I die in Tennessee 
        D7          G 
Ship me back by C.O.D., 
My sins, they have overtaken me 

So hand me down, my bottle o? corn 
           D7                  G 
Oh hand me down that bottle o? corn 
        C       C7        G 
Hand me down my bottle o? corn 
          D7                G 
Gonna get drunk sure as I?m born 
My sins, they have overtaken me 

Hand me down my walkin? cane 
             D7              G 
Lord hand me down my walkin? cane 
        C          C7      G 
Oh hand me down my walkin? cane 
            D7                   G 
I?m a-gonna leave on the mornin? train 
My sins, they have overtaken me. 

Outro: G 

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