Olivia Rodrigo

1 Step Forward, 3 Steps Back

Olivia Rodrigo

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1 Step Forward, 3 Steps Back

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Tab - Dedilhado C C/G F7M E|------------------------------------------| B|-------1---1--------1---1----1------------| G|-------0---0--------0---0----2------------| D|-------2---2--------2---2----3------------| A|---3--------------------------------------| E|----------------3-------------------------|

Verse 1:

C F7M Called you on the phone today C F7M Just to ask you how you were C F7M All I did was speak normally C F7M Somehow I still struck a nerve You got me fucked up in C F7M The head, boy C F7M Never doubted myself so much C F7M I got my pretty and my fun boy I hate that I give you power F7M Over that kind of stuff
C E Cuz it's always one step forward F7M C And three steps back C E Do you love me, want me, hate me, boy F7M C I don't understand F7M C No, I don't understand

Verse 2:

C F7M Maybe in some masochistic way C F7M I kind of find it all exciting C F7M C Likе, which lover will I get today C Will you walk me to thе door or F7M Send me home crying
C E Cuz it's always one step forward F7M C And three steps back C E I'm the love of your life until F7M C I make you mad C E Cuz it's always one step forward F7M C And three steps back
C E Do you love me, want me, hate me, boy F7M C I don't understand C E No it's back and forth did F7M C I say something wrong C E It's back and forth going F7M C Over everything I said C E No it's back and forth did F7M C I say something wrong C E It's back and forth maybe F7M C This is all your fault Final: C E Instead it's one step forward F7M C And three steps back C And I'd leave you, but E F7M C The rollercoaster's all I've ever had C E Cuz it's always one step forward F7M C And three steps back C E Do you love me, want me, hate me, boy F7M C I don't understand F7M C No, I don't understand

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