Otis Redding

Remember Me

Otis Redding

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Remember Me

Written by Otis Redding

C Remember me Am Don't you forget me, child F We are all only here G Just for a little while
Verse C Do you remember the guy? Am The guy that you were dating F He broke your heart, now G And then he walked away C F Oh yes, he did now C G7 Oh yes, he did Verse C You remember when you were sick? Am You were cripple and you were lame F I stood by your bed side till you G Were on your feet again C F Oh yes, I did now C C7 Oh yes, I did Bridge F Oh, somewhere oh down the line F You are gonna see this little heart of mine C Cm C G Is so large, so wonderful, so true F Oh now, somewhere F Brighter days you're gonna see F What a big mistake that you made D I said I'm a-begging you D I said I'm a-begging you G I said I'm pleading! N.C. Pleading! Pleading!
C Remember me Am Don't you forget me, child F We are all only here G Just for a little while
Outro C F C F Oh yes, we is now, oh yes, we is C F I need a little of your love everyday C F I need you to sit and to talk to me right now C F Every second, every minute, every hour of the day C F I need you to hold my little trembling hand C F I need you to just stand right by C F Oh, my, my, my (Fade...)

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