Otis Redding

Thats What My Heart Needs

Otis Redding

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Thats What My Heart Needs

Written by Otis Redding

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picking pattern (shown for F): E|--------1-----------1---------------| B|------1---1-------1---1-------------| G|----2-------2---2-------2-----------| D|--3-----------3---------------------| A|------------------------------------| E|------------------------------------|
F Bb You left me, for another F Bb You told me, he was your lover F So I'm begging and I'm pleading C Bb And I'm down on bended knee, ooh baby F That's What My Heart Needs
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riff E|------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------| G|------------------------------------| D|------------------------------------| A|--3-5-3---3-5-3---3-5-3-3-5---------| E|------------------------------------|
F Bb Baby, ooh baby F I'm calling you out loud and clear, baby Bb Ooh baby F I love you, yes I do C Bb And I want to be with you, Ooh baby F That's What My Heart Needs riff F Bb Darling, my my darling F Bb I need you here right by my side, baby, darling F If you hadn't left that day C Bb Then my love wouldn't be this way, ooh baby F That's what my heart needs riff F Come on baby Bb I said I need you right here by my side F I said I need you baby Bb I need you here to protect me and be my guide Chords continue as F and Bb throughout outro And ooh, baby, yeah baby I know you don't know what I mean, baby Ooh, baby, yeah, HEY baby Hey hey baby Come on, come on and love me, baby, Lord Come on, come on and be right by my side hey, come on

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