Paul Anka

Oh Lonesome Me

Paul Anka

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Oh Lonesome Me

Written by Don Gibson

	  		G 	  D                         A  
Everybody's going out and having fun  
I'm just a fool for staying home and having none  
D                D7             G  
I can't get over how she set me free  
A           D  
Oh lonesome me  
D                                            A   
There must be someway that I can lose  these lonesome blues  
Forget about my past and find someone new  
D                    D7              G  
I've thought of everything from A to Z  
A           D  
Oh lonesome me  
     A                           E  
I'll bet she's not like me she's out and fancy free  
Flirting with the boys with all her charms  
But I still love her so and brother don't you know  
I'd welcome her right back here in my arms  
      D                                A  
There must be someway I can lose these lonseome blues  
Forget about my past and find someone knew  
D                D7             G  
I can't get over how she set me free  
A           D  
Oh lonesome me 

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