Pedra Letícia

Born To Be Wild

Pedra Letícia

chords Beginner beginner

by  P!ATD

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Born To Be Wild

Written by Mars Bonfire

	  		E		    C#  D 
Get your motor runnin'  
E		     C#  D 
Head out on the highway  
E		    C#  D 
Lookin' for adventure  
E		        C#  D 
In whatever comes our way  

G	 A		E 
Yeah, Darlin' go make it happen  
G	    A		  E 
Take the world in a love embrace  
G	A       E 
Fire all the guns at once  
G	 A		E 
And explode into space  

E		       C#  D 
I like smoke and ridining  
E		  C#  D 
Heavy metal thunder  
E		  C#  D 
Racin' with the wind  
E		           C#  D 
And the feelin' that I'm under  

G	 A		E 
Yeah, Darlin' go make it happen  
G	    A		  E 
Take the world in a love embrace  
G     A	  E 
Fire all the guns at once  
G	 A		E 
And explode into space  

Like a true nature's child  
We were born, born to be wild  
We can climb so high  
G             E 
I never wanna die  

E           D C# D 
Born to be wild  
E           D C# D 
Born to be wild 

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