Phil Wickham

Carry My Soul Away

Phil Wickham

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Carry My Soul Away

	  		Afinação: C# G# C# F# G# C# 

Intro: C# Bbm G# 
       C# C#/F F# (2x) 

I wanna hear You say well done 
I wanna be welcomed in 
                  Bbm               G#         F# 
I wanna feel Your love like sunshine on my resurrected skin. 

I wanna hear the music play 
I wanna hear the trumpets sound 
I wanna hear You call my name 
       G#               F# 
And watch my feet lift off the ground 

      (C# Bbm G# ) (C# C#/F F# ) 
I will run, oh and I won't quit 
             (C# Bbm G# )    (C# C#/F F# ) 
Chasing Your heart, just like David did 
            C#			      C#/F 
I'll coming running through the gates, looking to Your face 
Oh I can hardly wait! 
          Bbm           G#              F# 
Until You carry my soul, carry my soul away 

Intro: C# Bbm G# 
       C# C#/F F# (2x) 

When everything is said and done 
And death has met its end 
I wanna hear You call me son 
    G#          F# 
Be counted as a faithful friend 

I wanna see You rise like fire 
I wanna see the scars that bled 
    	       Bbm                G#                 F# 
Oh, won't you take me higher, the place where angels fear to tread? 

         (C# Bbm G# )   (C# C#/F F# ) 
And I will run, Lord and I won't quit 
            (C# Bbm G# )     (C# C#/F F# ) 
Chasing Your heart, just like David did 
            C#			       C#/F 
I'll coming running through the gates, looking to Your face 
Oh I can hardly wait! 
          Bbm            G#             F#	 C#/F    F# 
Until You carry my soul, carry my soul away 

	    F#		     C#             G# 
And I will keep my lamplight burning in the night 
        F#               C#                G#         Bbm 
I'll be waiting here for You, watching for all Your signs 
G#       F#            C#                 G#        A°     Bbm 
If I may be so bold to ask You: would You lend Your ear to me? 
C#/F F#        G#    C# 
Oh, Lord, come quickly 

Intro: C# Bbm G# 
       C# C#/F F# (2x) 

          (C# Bbm G# )  (C# C#/F F# ) 
And I will run, Lord and I won't quit 
            (C# Bbm G# )     (C# C#/F F# ) 
Chasing Your heart, just like David did 
            C#				C#/F 
I'll coming running through the gates, looking to Your face 
Oh I can hardly wait! 
          Bbm            G#            F#	C#/F# 
Until You carry my soul, carry my soul away 

           Bbm           G#            F# 
Until You carry my soul, carry my soul away 

Final: C# Bbm G# 
       C# C#/F F# (2x) 

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