Phil Wickham

Sun & Moon

Phil Wickham

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Sun & Moon

If you are the sun 
             F        C 
then I wanna be the moon 
            Am                   G         F 
I wanna reflect the light that shines from you 
And if this is war 
               F        C 
Then I'm gonna draw my sword 
            Am             G       F 
This time I know what I am fighting for 

God I wanna let you know 
C      F              C 
I want everything you are 
    G                                C 
I'm waiting for the morning light to show 
a fire in the dark 

C G Shine your light, I wanna feel you now Dm Am God I need a miracle G Take my heart, make it glow C G Shine your light from the inside out Dm Am I wanna be more like you F F G C If you are the sun, I wanna be the moon G F G C G I wanna be the moon
VERSE 2 C If love is a choice F C Then I need you to hear my voice Am G F I'm the one knocking on your door making all this noise C Whatever it takes F C I give it all away Am G F I wanna show my love in a thousand ways PRE-CHORUS G God I wanna let you know C F C I love everything you are G C I'm waiting for the morning light to show F a fire in the dark
C G Shine your light, I wanna feel you now Dm Am God I need a miracle G Take my heart, make it glow C G Shine your light from the inside out Dm Am I wanna be more like you F F G C If you are the sun, I wanna be the moon
BRIDGE: Am G F G C I can't live a single day without you G I don't even want to try Am G F And I won't take another step without your light G I need your light
C G Shine I wanna feel you now Dm Am God I need a miracle G Take my heart, make it glow C G Shine your light from the inside out Dm Am I wanna be more like you F (F G C G)x4 If you are the sun, I wanna be the moon
OUTRO: C If you are the sun F C then I wanna be the moon Am G F I wanna reflect the light that shines from

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