Phillip Phillips

Take Me Away

Phillip Phillips

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Take Me Away

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E|------------------------8------8---------------------------------------------8--| A|--3/5--------------5/7------7-----------7------------3/5--------------5/7----7--| D|----------5/3------------------------------------------------5/3----------------| G|-------7-------5------------------------------0-----------7-------5----------0--| B|-----------------------------------6-------6---------------------------------6--| E|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------x--|
O riff acima é tocado na INTRO I e II e no Pre-Chorus. (INTRO I) Holding on to what isn't there Tryring to find my place Can anyone see what's really me Behind a smile, behind this face Broken, struggling, in the dark Oh just to stay onboard (Pre-Chorus) But the only thing saving me, is your love Loving you is saving me
Dm F C G Won't you take me from the clouds buried in grey Dm F C G All the colors are mixing in my head I can't see which way Dm F C G Only see you out of thousands coming my way Dm F C G You're all I want to see All I want to touch and feel in every way
(INTRO II) Turning in the breeze, never leaving this Never hard to understand Seems everyone around is free It seems like everything just tick-tocks away Falling with no wings to fly Like an angel that's lost her way (Pre-Chorus) Now the only thing saving me, is your love Loving you is saving me
Dm F C G Won't you take me from the clouds buried in grey Dm F C G All the colors are mixing in my head I can't see which way Dm F C G Only see you out of thousands coming my way Dm F C G You're all I want to see All I want to touch and feel in every way Loving you, loving you, is saving me Loving you, loving you, is saving me
(Dm F C G) You take me away In the dark and hide me away Singn' now, hold your head Until you die love, and buried beneath your grave Came from inside, burst in your flames Sin forgive me while I run I run, sweet love, take me away Loving you is saving me Loving you, loving you, is saving me

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