Playground Etiquette

More Than I Can Take

Playground Etiquette



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More Than I Can Take

	  		This is one of our more simple songs.  Feel free to experiment with the styles.  It's one of those songs that can work with a lot of different styles and arrangements. 

More than I can Take 
time signature: 3/4 
| F | Am | G | G | 

The sun is coming up 
My single thought is you 
And everything you say 
is starting to come back 
I'm wishing you were here 
I need you now 

I feel more than I can take 
My heart my life's at stake 
I feel more than I can stand 
My heart is in your hand 
And I am afraid 

Is it coincidence  
or is it all a sign 
a cosmic blueprint predesigned? 
I want to see your face 
I want to hear your voice 
I need you now 


| Am | G | F | F| 

The sun is going down 
my single thought is you 
and everything you say 
I see it in your face 
I hear it in your voice 
I have you now 

I feel more than I can take 
My heart my life's at stake 
I feel more than I can stand 
My heart is in your hand 
And I'm not afraid 

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Half key step downHalf key step down
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