Porcupine Tree

Colourflow In Mind

Porcupine Tree

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Colourflow In Mind

Written by Steven Wilson


(You can play those special,  * -marked chords, like you normally would, if you want to) 

Intro: B - D  (x4) 


B                     D 
I cross the city backwards 
B                                         D 
There's a lot of soul to find 
B                             D 
A million ways to loose control 
B                               D 
I've got colourflow in mind 

Interlude: B - D - E* - F#*  


B                   D 
I find a safer haven  
B                        D 
And get myself a line 
B                          D 
Feel the urge to climb the walls 
B                           D 
I've got colourflow in mind 

Interlude: B - D - E* - F#* 


B                         D 
Turn on, tune in, shut down 
B                         D 
It's a way to pass the time 
B                          D 
Check out of my braincell again 
B                             D 
I've got colourflow in mind 

Verse II: 

C - F#  
C - F# - F 
C - F# 
C - F# - F 
C - F# 
C - F# - F 
C - F#  


C - F# - F - E 

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