Porcupine Tree

Piano Lessons

Porcupine Tree

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Piano Lessons

Written by Steven Wilson

	  		(intro) C#m7  E  B  F# 

C#m7        E 
I remember piano lessons 
B              F# 
The hours in freezing rooms 
C#m7        E 
Cruel ears and tiny hands 
B              F# 
Destroying timeless tunes 

C#m7             E 
She said there's too much out there 
B              F# 
Too much already said 
C#m7             E 
You'd better give up hoping 
B              F# 
You're better off in bed 

A  F  Em  D 

C#m7                          E 
(Take your hands off my land) 
A                     F               Em 
Credit me with some intelligence 
(if not just credit me) 
A             F                   Em 
I come in value packs of ten 
(in five varieties) 

(C#m7  E  B  F#) 
You don't need much to speak of No class, no wit, no soul 
Forget you own agenda Get ready to be sold 

I feel now like Christine Keeler Sleepwaking in the rain 
I didn't mean to lose direction I didn't want that kind of fame 

(C#m7  E  B  F#) 
And even though I got it all now My only stupid dream 
I see you and me together And how it should have been 

I remember piano lessons Now everything seems clear 
You waiting under streetlights For dreams to disappear 

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