Pseudo Echo

A Beat For You

Pseudo Echo

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A Beat For You

Written by Brian Canham

Intro: Am F G Am 

Am               F     G      Am     F  E 
In my life i've many strong desires 
      Am              F        G      Am   F  E 
And still in all I'm reaching for the fire 
    Am              F      G 
You never look, you never see 
    Am                       F       E 
You never notice when you're next to me 
     Am                 F        G      Am   F  E 
But feel my heart, it's burning with desire 
Am F G There's a beat for you in my heart Am F E I tell you true from the start Am F G There's a beat for you in my heart Am F E I tell you true from the start
Am F G Am F E Catch a glimpse, remember it forever Am F G Am F E And still I try to keep myself together Am F G You never speak, you never hear Am F E You're never closer when I want you near Am F G Am F E But feel my heart, it's burning with desire
Am F G There's a beat for you in my heart Am F E I tell you true from the start Am F G There's a beat for you in my heart Am F E I tell you true from the start
Am There's a beat Solo: Am F G Am F E Am F G Am F G Am F G Am F E Am F E Catch a glimpse, remember it forever Am F G Am F E And still I try to keep myself together Am F G You never look, you never see Am F E You never notice when you're next to me Am F G Am F E But feel my heart, it's burning with desire
Am F G There's a beat for you in my heart Am F E I tell you true from the start Am F G There's a beat for you in my heart Am F E I tell you true from the start

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