Rebecca Sugar

Let Me Drive My Van Into Your Heart

Rebecca Sugar

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Let Me Drive My Van Into Your Heart

Written by Rebecca Sugar

I know I'm not that tall  
G                   C  
I know I'm not that smart  
    Am                          F  
But let me drive my van into your heart  
G                            C  
Let me drive my van into your heart  

I know I'm not that rich  
G                    C  
I'm trying to get my start  
   Am                           F  
So let me drive my van into your heart  
G                            C  
Let me drive my van into your heart  

And if we look out of place  
Well, baby, that's okay  
I'll drive us into outer space  
                          F      G  
Where we can't hear what people say  

I know I don't have a plan  
G                   C  
I'm working on that part  
Am                  F        
At least I've got a van  
   G                             C  
So let me drive my van into your heart  
Am                            F  
Let me drive my van into your heart  
G                             C  
Let me drive my van into your heart  
Am                            F  
Let me drive my van into your heart  
G                             C  
Let me drive my van into your heart  


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