Ron Pope

Come To California

Ron Pope

chords Beginner beginner


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Come To California


D          Em 
Hotels and cigarettes 
And empty bars where I just sit 
     D               Em                  C 
And contemplate the things that I can't know 

D              Em               C 
And all I ask of you are honest words 
Simple truths 
D                  Em              C 
A place to lay my head when I get lost 

Am               D 
Nothing here is right 
Am                 D 
Guess I'll shut my eyes 

D         G                                    D 
Come to California 'cause I've been lonely for you 
Em                                        C 
We can stay up all night just to watch the sunrise 
Come to California 
                  D                          Em 
Nothing's right without you and even in the daylight 
Well I can't see the sky 

D                   Em                   C 
I watch the waves disappear beneath the boardwalk 
Then I blink my eyes 
D       Em             C 
Stare farther down the beach 

D         Em                C 
I'll get drunk this time on moons far and wide 
D                  Em                             C 
In my defense I'd like to say at least it's always sweet 

Am               D 
Nothing here is Right 
Am                  D 
Guess I'll shut my eyes 

D         G                                    D 
Come to California 'cause I've been lonely for you 
Em                                        C 
We can stay up all night just to watch the sunrise 
Come to California 
                  D                          Em 
Nothing's right without you and even in the daylight 
Well I can't see the sky 


And I don't know if I believe I'm everything I should be 
If I'd never been for you 

Love I am drowning in this change 
It's washing everything I know and am confident with 

D         G                                    D 
Come to California 'cause I've been lonely for you 
Em                                        C 
We can stay up all night just to watch the sunrise 
Come to California 
                  D                          Em 
Nothing's right without you and even in the daylight 
Well I can't see the sky 

Come to California 'cause I've been lonely for you 
(I can't see the sky) 
We can stay up all night just to watch the sunrise 
(Lord I can't see the sky) 
Come to California 
Nothing's right without you and even in the daylight 
(I can't see it) 
(I can't see it) 
Well I can't see the sky 
(I can't see it) 

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