Ross Copperman

Stay Blessed

Ross Copperman

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Stay Blessed

Key:  G More
F(one step down)
F#(half step down)
G(original key)
G#(half step up)
A(one step up)
Capo on 4th fret
	  		th FRET 

G Em Cadd9 G 

Verse 1:

G Em Cadd9 G I hope the good days they always outnumber the bad G Em Cadd9 G And if you gotta cry I at least hope you cry till you laugh G Em7 Cadd9 G I hope that you get it right more than you make mistakes G Em Cadd9 G And I pray for you forever that you feel more love than heartbreak


Am C This world can be cold Em D But don't let it e--ver Am C Cheapen your gold D And always remember
G Em7 Cadd9 G Stay you, stay young, stay wild, stay blessed G Em7 Cadd9 G May your dreams come true, may you find happiness G Em Cadd9 G May the rest of your days always be as good as it gets G Em Cadd9 G Stay you, stay young, stay wild, stay blessed


G Em7 Whoa-oh-oah Cadd9 G Whoa-oh---oah G Em7 Whoa-oh-oah Cadd9 G Whoa-oh---oah

Verse 2:

G Em7 Cadd9 G If you need someone to trust, just know you can always trust yourself G Em7 Cadd9 G And if you can't do it alone there ain't no shame in asking for help G Em7 Cadd9 G Know what's you're worth, don't you settle for less than the best G Em7 Cadd9 G Treat every moment like it's the last one that you'll get, yeah ah
G Em7 Cadd9 G Stay you, stay young, stay wild, stay blessed G Em7 Cadd9 G May your dreams come true, may you find happiness G Em7 Cadd9 G May the rest of your days always be as good as it gets G Em7 Cadd9 G Stay you, stay young, stay wild, stay blessed


G Em Whoa-oh-oah Cadd9 G Whoa-oh---oah G Em7 Whoa-oh-oah Cadd9 G Whoa-oh---oah Outro G Em7 Stay blessed, stay blessed, blessed everyday Cadd9 G Stay blessed, stay blessed, blessed always G Em7 Stay blessed, stay blessed, blessed everyday Cadd9 G Stay blessed, stay blessed, blessed always G Em7 Stay blessed, stay blessed, blessed everyday Cadd9 G Stay blessed, stay blessed, blessed always G Em Stay blessed, stay blessed, blessed everyday Cadd9 G Stay blessed, stay blessed, blessed always

Key:  G More
F(one step down)
F#(half step down)
G(original key)
G#(half step up)
A(one step up)
Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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