Sabrina Carpenter

A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes So This Is Love

Sabrina Carpenter

chords Intermediate intermediate


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A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes So This Is Love

verse 1 

A             E7        A 
A dream is a wish your heart makes 
A           C#7     D    F#7 
When you're fast asleep 
    Bm              F#          Bm 
In dreams you will lose your heartache 
     E7       Bm7            A    E 
Whatever you wish for, you keep 

verse 2 

A                    E7          A 
Have faith in your dreams and someday 
          A             C#7     D      Bm                            
Your rainbow will come smiling through 
                 Bm              Bm7 
No matter how your heart is grieving 
    A              F#m7 
If you keep on believing 
      Bm7            E7             A 
The dreams that you wish will come true 

verse 3 
            B       Cdim7 
So this is love, mmmm  
           C#m7     F#7 
So this is love 
     B                 C#m7    F#7 
So this is what makes life divine 
My heart has wings, mmmmm 
          C#m7    F#7 
And I can fly 
B              B7          E 
I touch every star in the sky 

              C#m7             A7 
No matter how your heart is grieving 
    B                G#m7  
If you keep on believing 
    C#m7            F#7            B 
The dreams that you wish will come true 
   C#m7         F#7            B 
A dream that I wish will come true 
          C#m7                 A7 
No matter how your heart is grieving 
B                    G#m7 
If you keep on believing 
     C#m7           F#7             B 
The dreams that you wish will come true 

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